Friday, 14 November 2008

The Birds' Book Club returns!

Well, it never really went away! However having a few days off now, I've decided to update Bird matters as much as possible.
I recently bought a book about photographer Miloslav Stibor from a vintage photography shop in Berlin. Unfortunately it is written in Polish so I've just flicked through the photos half a million times.
They are beautiful black and white photos which seem to capture movement, spirit and the female form at its most intimate and fragile. The images remind me of the short film Thanatopsis by Ed Emschwiller. I love that film as it is equally disturbing as it is inspiring. You can view it here:

Anyway, as always, PLEASE share your own thoughts and suggestions. We always love to hear them!


1 comment:

Khola Janala said...

I just found your blog and want to say thank you !

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